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Disclosure in Antitrust Damages Actions: EU-Conference

On November 3, 2023, the University of Vienna, Department of European, International and Comparative Law, hosted an international conference on the topic Disclosure in Antitrust Damages Actions in Europe in collaboration with The European Circle for Competition Damages, and the Austrian Society for European Law (ÖGER).

The panels discussed the implementation of the disclosure rules throughout Europe, the CJEU case law, perspectives of national courts, cooperation with competition authorities, confidentiality arrangements, economic evidence proceedings and the cost of disclosure.

Invited speakers included: Georg Kodek (OGH/Vienna University of Economics and Business), Vivien Terrien (Court of Justice of the European Union), Hanno Wollmann (Schönherr/University of Vienna), Verena Strasser (Deputy Bundeskartellanwalt), Sarah Milde (Hengeler Mueller), Florian Neumayr (bpv Huegel), Petra Leupold (VKI), Peter Gussone (GQL), Julia Suderow (Suderow Fernández Abogadas), Joost Möhlmann (Van Benthem & Keulen), Miguel Sousa Ferro (Milberg Sousa & Associados), Clemens​ Kerle (CMS), Ben Lasserson (Mishcon de Reya LLP), Martin Seegers (CDC Cartel Damage Claims), Martin Gassler (Wolf Theiss) and Lena Hornkohl (University of Vienna).

The presentations of the speakers are available here.

The program folder can be found here: 

Antitrust Law Conference_Panel 2023
Bild: v.l.n.r.: Clemens Kerle, Miguel Sousa Ferro, Joost Möhlmann, Julia Suderow, Peter Gussone, Petra Leupold, Lena Hornkohl, Martin Gassler, Martin Seegers

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