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EU-Private International Law and Collective Redress: Roundtable in Brussels

BEUC Study on Collective Redress
Bild: VKI

The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) hosted a Roundtable on EU Private International Law and Collective Redress on October 10, which was dedicated to the current rules and reform plans of Brussels I and the Rome Regulations in the context of collective redress. 

The Agenda included in-depth discussions among stakeholders, experts and consumer organisations as well as presentations on private international law aspects in collective redress cases (Petra Leupold, VKI-Academy), on the plans for the assessment of Brussels I (Andreas Stein, DG Justice) and on the EU Directive on Representative Actions (Blanca Rodriguez Galindo, DG Justice).

The Study on Private International Law and Cross-Border Collective Redress can be downloaded here

BEUC Roundtable on Collective Redress
Bild: Roundtable BEUC, Brussels, left to right: Els Bruggeman (Test Achats), Petra Leupold (VKI-Academy), Luis Silveira Rodrigues (DECO), Ursula Pachl (BEUC), Augusta Maciuleviciute (BEUC)

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