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Workshop on the Implementation of the Representative Actions Directive

By the end of 2022, Member States had to implement the Representative Actions Directive (EU) 2020/1828 into national law. The Directive is meant to open a new chapter in the enforcement of consumer law. At the same time, it leaves a great number of regulatory choices to the Member States, which will affect the effectiveness of the representative action greatly. Crucial issues include the requirements on legal standing of qualified entities, the way and the time in which consumers have to sign up to collective litigation, the financing of redress claims and the way in which potential gains are to be distributed to the consumers concerned.

The University of Oldenburg hosts an international workshop on "The Implementation of the Representative Actions Directive in the Member States" to explore the choices of national legislators, to evaluate the effectiveness of the new instruments in comparison with public enforcement and existing mechanisms, and to discuss their interplay especially with legal tech management.

The conference took place on Thursday and Friday, June 15 and 16, 2023.


Peter Rott (Univ. Oldenburg), The Representative Actions Directive – What is new?

Petra Leupold (VKI), Implementation in Austria

Charlotte Pavillon (Univ. Groningen), Amending the French group action (2014): third time’s a charm?

Jagna Mucha (Univ. Warsaw) and Monika Namyslowska (Univ. Łodz), Implementation in Poland

Karin Sein (Univ. Tartu), Implementation in Estonia

Clement Salung Pedersen (Univ. Copenhagen), Implementation in Denmark

Cristina Amato (Corte di Supremo), Implementation in Italy

Geraint Howells (Univ. Galway), Implementation in Ireland and Experience from the UK

Axel Halfmeier (Univ. Lüneburg), Prescription

Reinhard Steennot (Univ. Gent), Implementation in Belgium

Franziska Weber (Univ. Rotterdam), Implementation in the Netherlands

Peter Rott (Univ. Oldenburg), The new German representative action - a mixed bag

Jutta Gurkmann (vzbv), The view of vzbv

Ursula Pachl (BEUC), Multinational litigation – dream or reality?


For more information, see the attached folder here:

Speaker-Panel Conference Oldenburg 2023
Bild: Speakers: Charlotte Pavillon (Groningen), Petra Leupold (VKI), Peter Rott (Oldenburg), Geraint Howells (Galway), Laura Bugatti (Brescia), Karin Sein (Tartu), Reinhard Steennot (Gent), Pim Wissink (Groningen), Jutta Gurkmann (vzbv)

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