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Reforming the Brussels Ibis Regulation: Conference Uni Vienna

On 12 April 2024, a hybrid conference will take place at the Skylounge of the University of Vienna to discuss the reform of the Brussels Ibis Regulation; the fundamental reference-instrument of cross-border judicial cooperation in civil matters within the European Union. The reform is expected to begin this year under the new European Commission. 

The conference is organized by the Institute of Civil Procedure - Burkhard Hess, Christian Koller and Paul Oberhammer - and continues the work already done within the European Association for Private International Law (EAPIL) and the former Max Planck Institute (MPI) Luxembourg.


  • Prospects of the Reform - Andreas Stein, EU Commission  
  • Scope and Collective Redress - Astrid Stadler, University of Konstanz 
  • Third State Relations - Cristina González Beilfuss, University of Barcelona 
  • Jurisdiction and Parallel Actions - Gilles Cuniberti, University of Luxembourg 
  • Recognition and Enforcement - Karol Weitz and Bartosz Wołodkiewicz, University of Warsaw 

Panel discussion (i.a.): 

  • Anthony Collins, EU Court of Justice
  • Burkhard Hess, University of Vienna
  • Georg Kodek, Austrian Supreme Court
  • Petra Leupold, Verein für Konsumenteninformation
  • Sabine Prossinger, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
  • Andreas Stein, EU Commission

The program folder can be found here.

The Study on Private International Law and Cross Border Collective Redress can be found here

Conference Reform Brussels Ibis Panel
Bild: Reforming the Brussels Ibis Regulation, Panel v.l.n.r.: Petra Leupold (VKI), Anthony Collins (EU Court of Justice), Burkhard Hess (Uni Vienna), Sabine Prossinger (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer), Andreas Stein (EU Commission)

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